X-ray Tsunami

X-ray Tsunami


Findings of the Chandra X-ray Observatory and how they might relate to the beginning of the modern UFO era.

Scientists had long suspected a massive black hole existed at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, but it was not easy to confirm. First, one simply can’t see a black hole because nothing—not even light—escapes it. A black hole’s existence could only be deduced by its gravitational effects. Next, clouds of dust and gas obscured our view of the center of the galaxy. However, with the launching of the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 1999, the latter problem was considerably reduced. The orbiting observatory, although it couldn’t actually see a black hole, could see a strong localized source of x-rays coming from the suspected location. Scientists explained that these didn’t actually come from the black hole itself, but instead emanated from the steady stream of dust, gas, and debris about to cross the event horizon of the black hole and thus disappear forever. It was like their last scream before being devoured. This was deemed sufficient confirmation and the black hole was given a name. It is officially called Sagittarius A* (pronounced Sagittarius A-star). It is “Sagittarius” because it appears within the constellation Sagittarius when viewed from Earth and “A” because it is the first ascribed to that region. It is currently estimated that Sagittarius A* gobbles up a whole star about once every 10,000 years.

Having established the existence of Sagittarius A*, astronomers began looking around at the rest of our galaxy. In 2007 they noticed x-ray “echoes” being reflected back at us from molecular clouds that are outside our orbit of the galaxy’s center, or at distances greater than our distance from the center. From this they deduced that Sagittarius A* must have devoured something fairly large in the recent past, and they calculated that whatever it was must have been at least as big as the planet Mercury. The resulting burst of x-rays that is just now (2007) reaching us by reflection, would have rushed past Earth about sixty years ago (5). Here on Earth we would not have noticed this because our atmosphere is opaque to x-rays and we didn’t have a telescope with x-ray vision like the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 1947.


                                               (click on image for larger view)


The year 1947 is bound to ring a bell with those who have delved into UFO literature to any extent. It is widely considered the beginning of the modern UFO era. A string of events beginning that year and extending into the early fifties triggered a government involvement lasting two decades, and it may continue to this day on a classified level. Most famous was the reported UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Some accounts claim two crashes actually happened at the same time, but separated by a few hundred miles (3). October of that same year also produced rumors of a crash at Paradise Valley, Arizona (1). Then there was a purported crash at Aztec, New Mexico in March of 1948 (7), and another account of a crash near Laredo, Texas in December of 1950 (2). If you accept these events as true, and of extraterrestrial origin, then you have to ask yourself what would cause such necessarily sophisticated craft to crash? In addition to crashes, a rash of sightings also occurred during this same general period (6). Why such a precipitous start to the modern UFO era? Is the x-ray tsunami rushing past Earth in 1947 and the start of the modern UFO era a coincidence, or does a cause and effect relationship exist between the two?

Suppose it is true that we here on Earth have been under observation for some period of time by an alien civilization, and that civilization arrived here from somewhere else in the galaxy. And suppose this alien civilization has established a local outpost in our neighborhood where they can operate unseen by us — the backside of the Moon perhaps. From there they are able to send out scout craft that normally operate in distant Earth orbits and use a remote sensing device to monitor events on Earth. Such a devise is described in my recent book The UFO Experience Reconsidered (6). Then imagine that in 1947 a fleet of these craft, on station at various points around the planet, suddenly measures a steep rise in the x-ray intensity coming from the direction of the galaxy’s center. Being a highly sophisticated civilization they guess what has happened, but they had no way of predicting it because x-rays travel at the speed of light. Perhaps they know that intense x-rays have a serious negative effect on their craft or it’s operators and emergency action is immediately required. Probably the quickest way to safety would be to get down deep into Earth’s atmosphere where the x-rays would be blocked — “any port in a storm.” There ensues a mad dash for safety; some of them make it in time and some do not. Because of it’s sparse population — obvious from space at night — the desert Southwest of the United States would be one likely emergency destination for the incoming spacecraft in order to remain as covert as possible under the circumstances.

How long would such an x-ray tsunami last? Remember we are talking about things on a galactic scale, so a wave period of years does not seem unreasonable. The mental image of a rock tossed into the middle of a pond is helpful. Using this analogy we can even imagine a series of spreading concentric rings of varying amplitude thus triggering more than one emergency situation.

Of course the scenario I have created uses the words “suppose,” “perhaps,” and “imagine.” In fact, it borders on science fiction. The concurrency of events may just be a chance happening, but then again . . . maybe not.


Beckley, Timothy Green MJ-12 and the Riddle of Hanger 18. New Brunswick: Inner Light 

      Publications, 1989 p.32

Dolan, Richard M. UFOs and the National Security State Charlottesville,VA: Hampton 

      Roads publishing Co. Inc. 2002

Good, Timothy Alien Contact. New York: William Morrow & Co. Inc. 1995 pp. 98 & 99

Mason, Robert L. The UFO Experience Reconsidered. Mendocino, CA:  Schooner Moon Books, 2007

Ornes, Stephen “Black Hole Feasts at Milky Way Center” Discover Magazine, January

     2008 p. 46

Ruppelt, Edward J. The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. Nashville: Source Books Inc. 2002 pp. 111-           121

Steinman, William S. UFO Crash at Aztec. Boulder, CO: American West Publishers, 1986


© Robert L. Mason

December 31, 2008

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