About: Rob Mason

Robert L. Mason was born in Corvallis, Oregon and raised in Palo Alto, California. He holds a BS degree in industrial engineering from Oregon State University and was a registered professional engineer in the State of California for many years. Rob brings to his writing and his art the multiple perspectives gained from a very diverse working and personal history including roles as naval officer, industry executive, government administrator, small business owner, engineer, artist, teacher, husband, parent, and grandparent. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Marine Ecological Institute of Redwood City, The Pacific Art League of Palo Alto and The Mendocino Art Center. Always an enthusiastic follower of scientific developments, Rob delights in gazing at the “big picture” and thinking about the macroscopic circumstances that shape the context of our lives.

About: The Gallery

The Gallery contains works of art accomplished by Uncle Rob, his family and friends variously assembled by subject matter, medium and artist to form shows for your viewing pleasure.

About: Sea Stories

With several exceptions, most of Uncle Rob’s formal employment was with nautical or maritime organizations. These stories are gleaned from that history. Some have an element of humor , others are just mildly fascinating historically. In addition, I owned three different boats each with it’s own set of salty tales.

About: Schooner Moon Books

Click here to read descriptions.

About: Papers and Articles

These are shorter pieces that have received publication.

About: One Dozen and Two Essays

I don’t pretend to be an expert on any of the subjects and disciplines that are touched on in these writings. The only subject I claim expertise for is my own opinion, and the reader will soon discover that I have opinions. Prefacing every personal conclusion with “it seems to me” or “as I understand it” does get rather tiresome, so I ask that the reader plug these words in mentally whenever I begin to sound instructive. They are, after all, only opinions.

About: Family Stories

These stories will probably be of interest only to Uncle Rob’s immediate family. However, there are some elements of general interest in each one. Having said that, the tales of this category are primarily intended for the Masons, the Jenkins, the Kidds and the Beckers.



