Pages 11 – 20

11. Inverness in the Rain

In the Rain Near Inverness
In the Rain Near Inverness

pen and ink wash                                                                                 8 1/2 x 12

On April 20, 1985, while sketching near a slough at the foot of Tomales Bay, it started to rain and that gave the drawing an interesting mottled look.

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Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

12. Drake’s Bay in the Spring

Drakes Bay in the Spring
Drakes Bay in the Spring

(click on image for larger view)

pen and ink wash                                       12 x 8 1/2

The view from the southern end of Point Reyes lookingnorth into Drake’s Bay on April 21, 1985.

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Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

13. Quietly, I Go My Way

Quietly, I Go My Way
Quietly, I Go My Way

etching                                                                                      8 3/4 x 5 3/4

The setting here is Drake’s Bay. Some of the prints in this edition were hand colored. The title comes from a poem by Max Ehrmann. A total of thirty-nine out of fifty were printed in addition to several artist’s proofs.

Quietly I Go My Way

All round is haste, confusion, noise.

For power and wealth men stretch the day

From dawn till dusk. But quietly

I go my way.

For glitter, show, to taunt the crowd,

Desire-tossed in wild dismay,

Men sell their souls. But quietly

I go my way.

The green of all the fields is mine,

The stars, the night, the wind at play.

Apeaceful heart, while quietly

I go my way.

Max Ehrmann


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 2 Comments

14. Dillon Beach Scene

Dillon Beach Scene
Dillon Beach Scene

etching                                                                                           9 x 6

As seen through a window while trapped inside on a rainy day in 1982.


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 1 Comment

15. Bolinas Beach House

Colored Pens
Colored Pens —                                  9 1/2 x 7
Multiple Plate Etching
Multiple Plate Etching —            9 x 6

(Click on image for larger view)

The original drawing on the left  was done from the cockpit of my boat the GAMBELLA while anchored in in Bolinas Bay in the summer of 1976.

Reproduced here in black and white, this print is actually a four-plate registration in yellow, red, blue, and black. It was taken from the drawing and completed in 1984 (note the reversal of image). Because it was so complex, I often used this print as an example when I was asked to give a demonstration for various art organizations.


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments


pencil                                                                                            9 1/2 x 6 1/2

Many of the sketches contained in this book were done from the cockpit of this boat. When first acquired, the GAMBELLA was a derelict. The next thirteen years were spent rebuilding it on weekends.


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

17. Schooner Moon

Schooner Moon
Schooner Moon

etching 23                                                                                       1/2 x 17 1/2

This dramatic image of the GAMBELLA is used as a logo on my business cards and letterheads, etc. Twenty of an intended thirty were printed.


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

18. Abandoned Duck Club

Abandoned Duck Club
Abandoned Duck Club
Your BankAmericard Welcome Here
Your BankAmericard Welcome Here

ink/wash drawing (left)                                          15 x 24

etching (right)                                                         16 x 21 1/2

The structures shown in this image can only be reached by boat. They are located up Mowry Slough near thesouth end of San Francisco Bay. I was exploring there in 1979 when the tide ran out and left theGAMBELLA sitting on the mud. Fortunately, I had my art supplies with me so I passed the time making the sketch on the left which laterbecame the source for the etching shown on the right.

The title of this piece (on right) dates it pretty accurately (1981) and comes from a sign that some wag had hung in front of the club. This was a two-plate, three-color registration. Only three of one hundred were printed although anumber of artist’s proofs also exist.

(click on image for larger view)

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Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

19. Moon Ship

Moon Ship
Moon Ship

etching                                                                                      23 1/2 x 17 1/2

On a warm summer night in 1980, I sailed the GAMBELLA from San Francisco to Palo Alto. It was one of those rare occasions when conditions were absolutely perfect. I was carried along by a gentle breeze aided by a flood tide and then a full moon rose over the East Bay hills. This etching was an attempt to recapture those moments. Only three of one hundred were ever printed although there exist a number of artist’s proofs.


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

20. The GAMBELLA at Drawbridge

The GAMBELLA at Drawbridge

The GAMBELLA at Drawbridge

etching                                                                                                        6 x 9

Located at the extreme south end of San Francisco Bay, Drawbridge is the only ghost town in the Bay Area. This plate was completed in 1989. On this occasion, I was accompanied by my friend and fellow artist, Evie Wilson, who later became my partner in life. In the middle of the night while anchored here, a train roared by on the trestle shown at the left. It was quite close at hand and shattered an otherwise peaceful slumber.

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Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 Pages 11 - 20 No Comments

