

Finishing this writing project twenty years after I first started has been an instructive experience. The journey came alive for me once again. Rereading what I had put down originally, and going back through the daily log that I kept at the time reinforced the common belief that your memory serves you best for the good parts and the bad parts fade. I am sometimes asked if I was lonely. The answer is yes. I knew, for me, loneliness, or “aloneness,” was conducive to creativity. I think this is especially true for writing. I have a good tolerance for interruption when working on an art project, but for writing, I need blocks of dedicated time. On the trip I was most productive when I was the loneliest. The solitude was deepened by the fact that the trip took place during a hiatus in my relationship with partner Evie Wilson, but I am happy to report this came to an end upon my return. Our partnership in life is still going strong as this project is completed. One other relationship that has endured is the one with my old friend and companion the van which is now closing in on 200,000 miles. And, of course there is our Sun, the home star. As for Georgia, she will live on in this book. It is apparent to me now that this journey was a time of introspection and self-examination on several levels, and I believe that I benefited from the process. It may not work for everyone, but the pilgrimage to Gobblers Knob to watch the Sun make a big circle in the sky helped me with a number of perspectives not all of which made it into this book. I shall always treasure them.

The essays that originally constituted Part II of this book may be found here.

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Sunday, August 2nd, 2009 Epilogue No Comments

